I run the calculations shown at https://www.vasp.at/wiki/index.php/Diel ... _using_BSE. The input and output files are included. All calculations run successfully. However, I cannot extract the dielectric function information from the vasprun.xml files. The script extract_chi.sh
awk 'BEGIN{i=0} /HEAD OF MICRO/,\
/\/real/ \
{if ($1=="<r>") {a=$2 ; b=$3 ; c=$4 ; d=$5 ; i=i+1}} \
END{for (j=0;j<i/2;j++) print a[j],b[j],b[j+i/2]}' vasprun.xml > chi0.dat
/\/real/ \
{if ($1=="<r>") {a=$2 ; b=$3 ; c=$4 ; d=$5 ; i=i+1}} \
END{for (j=0;j<i/2;j++) print a[j],b[j],b[j+i/2]}' vasprun.xml > chi.dat
does not produce any files.
Thank you-Nick
Extracting dielectric properties data from GW and BSE calculations
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Extracting dielectric properties data from GW and BSE calculations
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Re: Extracting dielectric properties data from GW and BSE calculations
This data is found in the GW output. If you apply the same commands to the vasprun.GW0.xml files, you will get the output.
Martin Schlipf
VASP developer