Initial Projections using LOCPROJ/LSCDM
Hello VASP community,
I have some familiarity with using Wannier90 with QE and have noticed some differences in the initial projection behavior. I would like help in understanding exactly what is going on in the calculation, and how to remedy if possible.
I have experienced this behavior with every calculation I have done with VASP+W90, so I will use a very simple test case for a simple molecule TiH with 30A of vacuum with lnoncollinear=true and lsorbit=true.
When using either LSCDM=True or LOCPROJ:
LOCPROJ="1 : s : Pr
1 : d : Pr
2 : s : Pr"
and projections in WANNIER90_WIN (s and d on Ti and s on H)
begin projections
end projections
I see an initial projection in wannier90 that looks something like...
------------------------------- WANNIERISE ---------------------------------
+--------------------------------------------------------------------+<-- CONV
| Iter Delta Spread RMS Gradient Spread (Ang2) Time |<-- CONV
+--------------------------------------------------------------------+<-- CONV
Initial State
WF centre and spread 1 ( 4.983148, 4.980151, 4.241228 ) 3.83992077
WF centre and spread 2 ( 5.012195, 5.019500, 4.221202 ) 3.99238574
WF centre and spread 3 ( 4.855366, 4.903987, 5.078026 ) 2.28038627
WF centre and spread 4 ( 5.131405, 5.122892, 4.986637 ) 5.30186775
WF centre and spread 5 ( 5.000908, 4.999614, 5.192327 ) 1.48127326
WF centre and spread 6 ( 4.998383, 4.991980, 5.006820 ) 2.27710671
WF centre and spread 7 ( 5.004888, 5.005417, 5.081061 ) 1.79217312
WF centre and spread 8 ( 4.996016, 4.994162, 5.122042 ) 2.07759601
WF centre and spread 9 ( 5.000238, 5.001152, 5.026222 ) 1.49747532
WF centre and spread 10 ( 4.999151, 5.005141, 5.176437 ) 2.28518657
WF centre and spread 11 ( 4.815788, 4.864723, 5.077935 ) 2.26158709
WF centre and spread 12 ( 5.210759, 5.116014, 4.988656 ) 5.28191295
WF centre and spread 13 ( 5.003481, 5.003955, 6.473858 ) 2.72017386
WF centre and spread 14 ( 4.996692, 4.995249, 6.525627 ) 2.71212676
Sum of centres and spreads ( 70.008418, 70.003936, 72.198076 ) 39.80117220
What I don't understand/need help understanding is why the initial spreads for up/down are so difference and why the centers are so far off from the projections. For the SCDM, I can understand why this may be true since it uses an SVD of the density matrix, but shouldn't LOCPROJ be projecting out atomic-like orbitals?(Note that I have verified this also happens with atomic Ti, so the issue is not related to the Ti hybridizing with the H)
My fundamental question is:
Is there a way to get atomic projections out of VASP as an initial guess? i.e., Where the centers for iteration=0 are atomic centers and the spreads of up/down are equal?
System = TiH
ISTART = 1 ;
SIGMA = 0.01
NSW = 0
EDIFFG = 1E-4#LSCDM=.True.
LOCPROJ="1 : s : Pr
1 : d : Pr
2 : s : Pr"LWRITE_MMN_AMN=.True.
#Ti 0.1666646646769216 0.1666667780820305 0.1708386000919771
#O 0.1666686686564069 0.1666665552512981 0.2291613999080215begin projections
end projections
num_print_cycles = 50
write_xyz =.true.
write_tb =.true.
write_hr = .true.
bands_plot = true
bands_num_points = 20
begin kpoint_path
G 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 X 0.0000 0.5000 0.0000
X 0.0000 0.5000 0.0000 M 0.5000 0.5000 0.0000
M 0.5000 0.5000 0.0000 G 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
G 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 R 0.5000 0.5000 0.5000
R 0.5000 0.5000 0.5000 X 0.0000 0.5000 0.0000
end kpoint_path
Running in serial (with serial executable)
Code: Select all
------ SYSTEM ------ Lattice Vectors (Ang) a_1 30.000000 0.000000 0.000000 a_2 0.000000 30.000000 0.000000 a_3 0.000000 0.000000 30.000000 Unit Cell Volume: 27000.00000 (Ang^3) Reciprocal-Space Vectors (Ang^-1) b_1 0.209440 0.000000 0.000000 b_2 0.000000 0.209440 0.000000 b_3 0.000000 0.000000 0.209440
| Site Fractional Coordinate Cartesian Coordinate (Ang) |
| Ti 1 0.16666 0.16667 0.17084 | 4.99994 5.00000 5.12516 |
| H 1 0.16667 0.16667 0.22916 | 5.00006 5.00000 6.87484 |
Code: Select all
Grid size = 1 x 1 x 1 Total points = 1
---------------------------------- MAIN ------------------------------------
| Number of Wannier Functions : 14 |
| Number of Objective Wannier Functions : 14 |
| Number of input Bloch states : 14 |
| Output verbosity (1=low, 5=high) : 1 |
| Timing Level (1=low, 5=high) : 1 |
| Optimisation (0=memory, 3=speed) : 3 |
| Length Unit : Ang |
| Post-processing setup (write *.nnkp) : F |
| Using Gamma-only branch of algorithms : F |
------------------------------- WANNIERISE ---------------------------------
| Total number of iterations : 100 |
| Number of CG steps before reset : 5 |
| Trial step length for line search : 2.000 |
| Convergence tolerence : 0.100E-09 |
| Convergence window : -1 |
| Iterations between writing output : 50 |
| Iterations between backing up to disk : 100 |
| Write r2_nm to file : F |
| Write xyz WF centres to file : T |
| Write on-site energies <0n|H|0n> to file : F |
| Use guiding centre to control phases : F |
| Use phases for initial projections : F |
-------------------------------- PLOTTING ----------------------------------
| Plotting interpolated bandstructure : T |
| Number of K-path sections : 5 |
| Divisions along first K-path section : 20 |
| Output format : gnuplot |
| Output mode : s-k |
| K-space path sections: |
| From: G 0.000 0.000 0.000 To: X 0.000 0.500 0.000 |
| From: X 0.000 0.500 0.000 To: M 0.500 0.500 0.000 |
| From: M 0.500 0.500 0.000 To: G 0.000 0.000 0.000 |
| From: G 0.000 0.000 0.000 To: R 0.500 0.500 0.500 |
| From: R 0.500 0.500 0.500 To: X 0.000 0.500 0.000 |
| Plotting Hamiltonian in WF basis : T |
Time to read parameters 0.003 (sec)---------------------------------- K-MESH ----------------------------------
| Distance to Nearest-Neighbour Shells |
| ------------------------------------ |
| Shell Distance (Ang^-1) Multiplicity |
| ----- ----------------- ------------ |
| 1 0.209440 6 |
| 2 0.296192 12 |
| 3 0.362760 8 |
| 4 0.418879 6 |
| 5 0.468321 24 |
| 6 0.513020 24 |
| 7 0.592384 12 |
| 8 0.628319 30 |
| 9 0.662306 24 |
| 10 0.694632 24 |
| 11 0.725520 8 |
| 12 0.755145 24 |
| 13 0.783651 48 |
| 14 0.837758 6 |
| 15 0.863541 48 |
| 16 0.888577 36 |
| 17 0.912926 24 |
| 18 0.936642 24 |
| 19 0.959772 48 |
| 20 0.982358 24 |
| 21 1.026040 24 |
| 22 1.047198 30 |
| 23 1.067936 72 |
| 24 1.088280 32 |
| 25 1.127866 72 |
| 26 1.147147 48 |
| 27 1.184769 12 |
| 28 1.203138 48 |
| 29 1.221232 48 |
| 30 1.239061 48 |
| 31 1.256637 24 |
| 32 1.291072 48 |
| 33 1.341067 48 |
| 34 1.357323 48 |
| 35 1.373387 24 |
| 36 1.404963 48 |
| The b-vectors are chosen automatically |
| The following shells are used: 1 |
| Shell # Nearest-Neighbours |
| ----- -------------------- |
| 1 6 |
| Completeness relation is fully satisfied [Eq. (B1), PRB 56, 12847 (1997)] |
| b_k Vectors (Ang^-1) and Weights (Ang2) |
| ---------------------------------------- |
| No. b_k(x) b_k(y) b_k(z) w_b |
| --- -------------------------------- -------- |
| 1 0.209440 0.000000 0.000000 11.398633 |
| 2 0.000000 0.209440 0.000000 11.398633 |
| 3 0.000000 0.000000 0.209440 11.398633 |
| 4 0.000000 0.000000 -0.209440 11.398633 |
| 5 0.000000 -0.209440 0.000000 11.398633 |
| 6 -0.209440 0.000000 0.000000 11.398633 |
| b_k Directions (Ang^-1) |
| ----------------------- |
| No. x y z |
| --- -------------------------------- |
| 1 0.209440 0.000000 0.000000 |
| 2 0.000000 0.209440 0.000000 |
| 3 0.000000 0.000000 0.209440 |
Time to get kmesh 0.020 (sec)
| Maximum RAM allocated during each phase of the calculation |
| Wannierise: 0.07 Mb |
| plot_wannier: 0.07 Mb |
Starting a new Wannier90 calculation ...
Reading overlaps from wannier90.mmn : File generated by VASP: TiH
Reading projections from wannier90.amn : File generated by VASP: TiH
Time to read overlaps 0.001 (sec)
Writing checkpoint file wannier90.chk... done
------------------------------- WANNIERISE ---------------------------------
+--------------------------------------------------------------------+<-- CONV
| Iter Delta Spread RMS Gradient Spread (Ang2) Time |<-- CONV
+--------------------------------------------------------------------+<-- CONV
Initial State
WF centre and spread 1 ( 4.983784, 4.980740, 4.514621 ) 3.96008394
WF centre and spread 2 ( 5.012100, 5.019096, 4.469246 ) 4.12167005
WF centre and spread 3 ( 4.853979, 4.907193, 5.074613 ) 2.27281992
WF centre and spread 4 ( 5.130746, 5.123586, 4.973556 ) 5.27565881
WF centre and spread 5 ( 5.001202, 4.999680, 5.208048 ) 1.52726518
WF centre and spread 6 ( 4.998473, 4.991280, 5.007611 ) 2.25622882
WF centre and spread 7 ( 5.005564, 5.006195, 4.950201 ) 1.97466776
WF centre and spread 8 ( 4.995321, 4.993138, 4.990037 ) 2.32664173
WF centre and spread 9 ( 5.000182, 5.001199, 5.042129 ) 1.46969763
WF centre and spread 10 ( 4.998606, 5.005316, 5.177067 ) 2.34375771
WF centre and spread 11 ( 4.815319, 4.862737, 5.074453 ) 2.25587279
WF centre and spread 12 ( 5.214464, 5.114515, 4.975599 ) 5.25458528
WF centre and spread 13 ( 4.998487, 4.998191, 6.336888 ) 3.11617241
WF centre and spread 14 ( 5.000509, 5.001190, 6.414228 ) 2.97487711
Sum of centres and spreads ( 70.008737, 70.004057, 72.208299 ) 41.12999914Code: Select all
0 0.411E+02 0.0000000000 41.1299991422 0.00 <-- CONV O_D= 0.0000000 O_OD= 11.6828497 O_TOT= 41.1299991 <-- SPRD
Edit: added quote formatting