Is there a "skip dft part" flag?

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Is there a "skip dft part" flag?

#1 Post by simone_dicataldo » Thu May 11, 2023 1:07 pm

Sorry for the silly question but browsing through the wiki I could not find an answer.

I am running VASP + Wannier90 in library mode and trying to optimize the energy window etc. In most cases then I would not need to re-run the DFT part, only the projections/SCDM and then re-launch Wannier90. I am not aware of a keyword that allows me to tell VASP "skip DFT", but I thought there has to be a way.. any ideas?


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Re: Is there a "skip dft part" flag?

#2 Post by andreas.singraber » Mon May 15, 2023 12:36 pm

Hello Simone!

Welcome to the VASP forum! Yes, there is a way, you can try to set the following in your INCAR file:

Code: Select all

ALGO = None
Andreas Singraber

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