Regarding ALGO = ALL accuracy for electronic convergence

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Regarding ALGO = ALL accuracy for electronic convergence

#1 Post by scpeter@jncasr » Wed Apr 05, 2023 4:48 am

So, I was trying to do an electronic convergence for the CeO2 slab model, but I could not get convergence better than dE 10^-5 with ALGO = N and F. I tried various mixing parameters but no luck. When I tried with ALGO = ALL it is getting converged though it is bit slow. So my question is if there will be any difference in the density and other parameters compared to other minimization algorithms.


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Re: Regarding ALGO = ALL accuracy for electronic convergence

#2 Post by alexey.tal » Mon Apr 10, 2023 7:51 am

Dear scpeter@jncasr,

In principle, the converged solution should be the same for different algorithm. However, it is possible that some algorithms struggle to converge to this solution. To give a more specific answer, I would need to see the input files for your system. Please see the forum guidelines.

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