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Resuming IBRION=6

Posted: Wed Oct 12, 2022 7:49 am
by mario_Japan

I actually tried to get force constant with IBRION = 6.
Starting calculation works nice, however, process was terminated by time regulation of sever.
Is it possible to resume the calculation? Because of rule of super computer, I can only run the culculation for 96 hours at maximum.

I would appreciate any your advice and comment. :)
Just in case, I uploaded INCAR, KPOINT and log files as zip file
If I reduce K-point numbers, the force constant was not converged well.


Re: Resuming IBRION=6

Posted: Wed Oct 12, 2022 8:13 am
by fabien_tran1

There is unfortunately no restart option for IBRION=5 and 6. As suggested here
an alternative would be to use Phonopy.