thank you for posting your question in the official VASP forum.
I tried to reproduce your problem without success. I used the VASP 6.5.0 released version and compiled your code with the nvidia compilers we have right now available: nvhpc/24.1, intel-oneapi-mkl/2023.2.0, and openmpi/4.1.6-cuda . I do not have a V100 card available, but I did run the job on two A30 cards with MPI, and OpenMP threading, without any problem:
Code: Select all
running 2 mpi-ranks, with 8 threads/rank, on 1 nodes
distrk: each k-point on 2 cores, 1 groups
distr: one band on 1 cores, 2 groups
Offloading initialized ... 2 GPUs detected
vasp.6.5.0 16Dec24 (build Jan 16 2025 14:04:17) complex
POSCAR found type information on POSCAR Ti
POSCAR found : 2 types and 333 ions
scaLAPACK will be used selectively (only on CPU)
WARNING: type information on POSCAR and POTCAR are incompatible
POTCAR overwrites the type information in POSCAR
typ 2 type information: O
LDA part: xc-table for (Slater+PW92), standard interpolation
POSCAR, INCAR and KPOINTS ok, starting setup
FFT: planning ... GRIDC
FFT: planning ... GRID_SOFT
FFT: planning ... GRID
WAVECAR not read
initial charge from wavefunction
entering main loop
N E dE d eps ncg rms rms(c)
DAV: 1 -0.150681060769E+07 -0.15068E+07 -0.26885E+07 3326 0.836E+03
DAV: 2 -0.182111908472E+07 -0.31431E+06 -0.27999E+06 3880 0.514E+03
DAV: 3 -0.196552237558E+07 -0.14440E+06 -0.13482E+06 4008 0.408E+03
DAV: 4 -0.203824784578E+07 -0.72725E+05 -0.68104E+05 4264 0.252E+03
DAV: 5 -0.208701008822E+07 -0.48762E+05 -0.44843E+05 4200 0.191E+03 0.292E+03
RMM: 6 -0.140572163328E+07 0.68129E+06 -0.32376E+04 2178 0.913E+02 0.159E+03
RMM: 7 -0.523878390546E+06 0.88184E+06 0.53564E+04 3910 0.106E+03 0.148E+03
without making any adjustments to your input files. Note, that your POTCAR has more elements that the POSCAR, but this does not matter here...
The only thing I changed was to remove the new ML interface, which btw is really experimental right now, so use this with great care, the python plugins, and changed the compute capability to cc80 for the A30 cards. Can you once try to remove the MLFF and python plugin things from the build and see if this could make a difference. I attached my makefile.include just in case you spot a difference that I do not see. The gcc_toolchain things you can ignore.
Best regards,
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