I met a problem as following when I tried to install the VASP 5.3.3.
Any comments will be welcomed.
dynconstr.F(14): error #7002: Error in opening the compiled module file. Check INCLUDE paths. [NPT_DYNAMICS]
USE npt_dynamics
dynconstr.F(116): remark #8290: Recommended relationship between field width 'W' and the number of fractional digits 'D' in this edit descriptor is 'W>=D+3'.

dynconstr.F(139): remark #8290: Recommended relationship between field width 'W' and the number of fractional digits 'D' in this edit descriptor is 'W>=D+3'.

dynconstr.F(2477): remark #8290: Recommended relationship between field width 'W' and the number of fractional digits 'D' in this edit descriptor is 'W>=D+3'.

dynconstr.F(2478): remark #8290: Recommended relationship between field width 'W' and the number of fractional digits 'D' in this edit descriptor is 'W>=D+3'.

dynconstr.F(2480): remark #8290: Recommended relationship between field width 'W' and the number of fractional digits 'D' in this edit descriptor is 'W>=D+3'.

dynconstr.F(2485): remark #8290: Recommended relationship between field width 'W' and the number of fractional digits 'D' in this edit descriptor is 'W>=D+3'.

dynconstr.F(2486): remark #8290: Recommended relationship between field width 'W' and the number of fractional digits 'D' in this edit descriptor is 'W>=D+3'.

dynconstr.F(2488): remark #8290: Recommended relationship between field width 'W' and the number of fractional digits 'D' in this edit descriptor is 'W>=D+3'.

dynconstr.F(2495): remark #8290: Recommended relationship between field width 'W' and the number of fractional digits 'D' in this edit descriptor is 'W>=D+3'.

dynconstr.F(2525): remark #8290: Recommended relationship between field width 'W' and the number of fractional digits 'D' in this edit descriptor is 'W>=D+3'.

compilation aborted for dynconstr.f90 (code 1)
make: *** [dynconstr.o] Error 1